
ACTC I-80 (SR13) / Ashby Interchange

Berkeley, California Noise study report of the impacts at noise sensitive uses near the project, including residences, a school, and public parks.

I-880 North Safety Improvements

Oakland, California Computer models of future traffic/lane alignment, identification of noise sensitive receivers (including a nearby school), as well as potential construction noise.

SR 84 Expressway

Livermore, California Long-term noise surveys, modeling of existing roadway/proposed alternatives, traffic noise impacts on residences, and effectiveness of existing noise barriers.

Doyle Drive Reconstruction

San Francisco, California Groundborne vibration analysis and measurements during reconstruction. Measurements made of existing vibration levels near adjacent historic buildings.

Sister Cities Blvd. Noise Study

S. San Francisco, California Sound measurements, traffic noise modeling and analysis to determine the need for a westward extension of the existing sound wall.

Crow Canyon Road Sound Wall

Danville, CA Noise measurements, traffic counts and SoundPlan™ noise model to determine construction noise levels. Compared levels with project criteria and developed funding priorities.

SR 24 Caldecott Tunnel Construction

Oakland, California Assisted with noise survey coordination and report preparation for a study of traffic noise between SR 13 and I-580 and determined potential sound wall locations.

I-238 Reconstruction Noise Study

San Lorenzo, California Near the BART Dublin/Pleasanton line, identified both BART and highway noise impacts using Caltrans criteria. Designed sound wall using SOUND32 Noise Prediction Model.

SR 92 / I-880 DEIS/DEIR

 Hayward, California Environmental noise study for highway noise predictions using the Caltrans SOUND32 with TrafficNoiseCAD7. Recommended sound wall designs to comply with Caltrans guidelines.

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