Select Projects

Alaskan Way / SR-99 Bored Tunnel Alternative

Seattle, Washington

Vibration monitoring and mitigation plan for tunnel boring machine (TBM) mining, soil improvement activities, and construction of tunnel portals for replacement of existing viaduct section.

MacArthur BART Transit Village

Oakland, California

Noise and vibration monitoring of demolition and construction of transit village development to adjacent Medical Center and residential buildings.

Moscone Expansion Phase III

San Francisco, California

Monitoring of noise and vibration during construction. Documenting pre-construction noise and vibration levels. Real-time data monitoring and warnings.

Geary Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

San Francisco, California

Noise and vibration monitoring during course of project the created a bus-only lanes and accessible bus stops along the Geary Street corridor.

SEPTA Elevated Structure

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Performed vibration monitoring during construction demolition. Assessed potential for cosmetic and structural damage to nearby residential buildings.

Carroll Gardens/Gowanus Canal

Brooklyn, New York

Evaluated potential noise and vibration from remediation work on industrial land. Performed studies to assess propagation to nearby residences and rail structure.

SFMTA Third Street Light Rail

San Francisco, California

Construction noise and vibration monitoring, plus effects of soil, track structure, rail/wheel conditions, dynamic building response from vehicle vibration.

EBMUD Irvington Tunnel / Alameda Siphons

Fremont, California

Construction of a new 132-inch tunnel to transmit Hetch Hetchy water. Work involved conducting an construction noise and vibration impact assessment.

Contact Us About Your Project

Deborah Jue
Deborah Jue
Silas Bensing
Silas Bensing
Derek Watry
Derek Watry

We develop construction noise and vibration criteria to address vibration damage potential to nearby buildings and sensitive structures, and vibration annoyance or disruption potential for occupants of nearby buildings.

  • Act as a knowledgeable envoy between the project and affected neighbors to seek non-standard solutions

  • Establish reasonable and acceptable noise and vibration limits

  • Predict noise and vibration caused by construction equipment or building demolition

  • Employ noise control measures most effectively

  • Find lower impact construction methods

  • Monitor noise, underwater noise, and/or vibration to substantiate compliance with established limits

  • Create court-ready records of noise and vibration levels

  • Make public presentations